Help World Search Dial Codes

  1. Enter into the search form CITY (find out AREA CODE) or AREA CODE (find out CITY).

  2. Enter the data in cyrillic or roman type.

  3. Search is possible on the full or incomplete data.

  4. SEARCH OF THE COUNTRY ON THE INTERNATIONAL CODE (for exception of cities with similar area codes) Before figures of the international code enter a symbol "+".

    For example:
    1) +95 - The system will find out the countries, international codes of which begin on 95;
    2)   95 - The system will find out cities, area codes of which begin on 95.

  5. SEARCH ON THE INCOMPLETE DATA, is carried out by means of a symbol "*" .

    For example:
    1) *95 - The system will find out all cities, area codes of which are ended on 95;
    2)   95* - The system will find out all cities, area codes of which begin on 95;
    3)   *95* - The system will find out all cities, area codes of which contain 95;
    4) +95* - The system will find out all countries, international codes of which begin on 95, etc.;
    5)   Mos* - The system will find out codes of all countries or cities, names of which begin on "mos";
    6) *cow - The system will find out codes of all countries or cities, names of which are ended on "cow";
    7)   mos - The system will find out codes of all countries or cities, names of which contain "mos".

  6. SEARCH "COUNTRY CODE-AREA CODE" can be executed on a full or incomplete country code and an area code shared by a symbol "-".

    For example:
    1) *7-*095* - The system will find out combinations "country - city", international codes are ended on "7", and area codes contain 095;
    2)   7*-*095 - The system will find out combinations "country - city", international codes begin on "7", and area codes are ended on 095;
    3)   7-095* - The system will find out combinations "country - city", international codes contain "7", and area codes begin on 095.

  7. YOU CAN SPEED UP SEARCH having specified the country (if it is known).

  8. IN ADDITION search represents the information on time zones.